10 Questions with...Andrew Samuels, director of BM Samuels

10 Questions with...Andrew Samuels, director of BM Samuels


      1.   Right, who do you fancy off the telly?  

Ummm not sure really... My girlfriend? [B&C: We don’t think Andrew’s girlfriend is off the telly, we just think he’s being a nice boyfriend.]
2.    How long have you been at BM Samuels?
My god... since 1987. I’ve been there for 23 years now! It’s a family business I joined when I was 17 years old, just out of school. Back then there was only my dad, his secretary, and a part-time book keeper.
It’s great how the company’s grown, we’re a team of eight now. And though there’re more of us and we’re not all blood related, we’re like a family. We’re very close.
3.    So what exactly is your role within the company?
We pretty much share everything here, so that the whole team knows everything and understands each case. I wouldn’t need a file in front of me to discuss a specific case, I know it inside out as I’ve been involved from start to finish. That’s the reason why we have so many repeat clients. A large proportion of our clientele are repeat clients which I find very rewarding.
4.    What’s the best thing about your job?
The close and supportive team. I get on great with my father. If we have a little gripe it will be forgotten about within half an hour.I think he’s nurtured me into a mini Bernard [Andrew’s father and founder of BM Samuels]. He’s taught me a lot, first and foremost, it’s not all about the money.
5.    What’s the worst thing about your job?
[Long pause] Err... [Longer pause and pained sigh] There isn’t a 'worst thing'!  I love the job, I never classify it as hard work... There’s actually nothing I would change.
6.    Where would you be now if you weren’t at BM Samuels?
 I honestly have no idea. I’d like to think I’d be involved in property somehow, maybe development and renovating. We bought a property in 2008 in central London; it had previously been turned into flats, 8 in total. We bought five, then bought the other three and sold it on as a house again. I found the experience both interesting and rewarding, so property development is an area in which I am interested.
7.    What did you want to be when you were a kid?
That one’s easy – an airline pilot! All I ever wanted to be was an airline pilot.
8.    What trends within the industry have you noticed in the last 12 months?
The banks have created more trouble than you can imagine. Obtaining finance nowadays is virtually impossible. Also, the FSA has had a big effect in the last five years. The new mortgage regulations have had a major impact, both positive and negative. On the plus side there is now an element of control in that lenders cannot simply lend to just anyone, on the negative side, the amount of red tape creates a lot of aggravation, and we believe it is OTT.
9.    What do you predict to happen to bridging over the next 12 months?
From the lending perspective there are some good opportunities out there – but you need to be brave. I doubt things are going to get better for a while yet. I predict things will stay as they are for a couple of years yet. It might get better for some, but for those people that have got high level of personal debt, it’s going to take time and I fear for these people.
10.How do you like to unwind?
Football, I’m a big Manchester United supporter, I love watching football and I love watching films too. My favourite films are Manon Des Sources and Jean de Florette by Claude Berri – two beautiful French films.  
Oh and junk food, I unwind with junk food, I’m terrible, I’ve got a real sweet tooth!

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