Bridging Growth in 2008

Bridging Growth in 2008


Earlier this year GB announced that the first couple months of 2008 had seen the bridging lenders loan book see a significant growth and an upturn in the overall enquiry volume too.

GB is pleased to announce that this growth has continued at an unprecedented level. Market trends indicated that there would be an upturn in the levels of bridge business as the credit crunch took hold and the market became harder for the more traditional financial institutions/lenders and the brokers alike. GB’s success to date may be, in part, as a direct result of these factors but also the work we have done in educating brokers on what, for some, is a new product with its own opportunities.

While the bridging finance sector is not immune to the challenges of our time, it is the lenders whose funding lines are secure and well established who will be able to continue to offer competitive products to the broker market. It is this point which may also be a contributing factor to GB’s level of enquiries.

Paul Edwards, Director said, “we are all aware of how the market has changed and brokers are looking at different solutions to their clients property finance needs. Long gone are the days where the perception of bridge was that of a niche product with minimal uses. At GB we are an experienced bridge lender who will work with an introducer to ensure we get the right deal for the client”.

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