Revealed: The bridging industry's favourite iPhone apps

Revealed: The bridging industry's favourite iPhone apps


p>As it’s Thursday and nearly the weekend (well sort of) we thought we’d lighten things up a bit and let you in on some trade secrets – well ex-trade secrets I should say – the industry’s  best loved smartphone apps.

So Bridging and Commercial has done the rounds, asking all the major players, and major technology geeks, what apps they can’t live without on their iPhones and Blackberrys (yup – some people have remained faithful to the old ‘Strawberries’) and here we have below all the favourites of the short term finance industry.
In no particular order...
Alan Margolis: Head of Bridging at United Trust Bank (and well known iPhone addict)
Favourite app: LiveScore - but only when QPR are doing well. Otherwise, TuneIn Radio.
Why: When QPR are doing well it's a conveyor of good news, very quickly...and it was free!
Favourite financial app: I am not wealthy enough to warrant having one.
App you’d like to see invented:
One that links in with one's fridge, so it could alert you if, say, you ran out of milk or butter etc. Hardly exciting I know.
Terry Markham Director of The Funding Operation
Favourite app: Shazam
Why: It's my most used because when I am driving and a tune comes on the old wireless (giving my age away now!) I crank up Shazam and within seconds it tells me who it is and at my age you need to preserve as much as the grey matter as possible and not spend it recklessly on minutiae.
Favourite Financial app: I have no interest in sensible apps, they are just too boring.
App you’d like to see invented:
"Understanding men" (for women obviously) and "Understanding women", (a virtually impossible app to produce!)
These would contain explanations such as:
1. Why your husband needs to visit the pub and talk nonsense with his mates.
2. Why women need to shop so often.
3. Why 200 pairs of shoes are necessary
4. Understanding the off side rule in football (for women)
5. Compliments - why they are invaluable and when to use them (for men)
6. Brownie points - how to earn them and spend them wisely
7. What to do if you are overdrawn at the brownie point bank.
Mark Posniak: Head of Marketing and Sales at Drawbridge Finance
Favourite app: WhatsApp
Why: Because you can use it across BlackBerrys and iPhones.
App you’d like to see invented:
Something that makes me money (anything)!
Jonathan Rubins, Managing Director of Alternative Bridging Corporation
Favourite app: Starbucks finder and drink chooser
Why: I love Starbucks coffee
Favourite financial app: Zoopla
Why: Gives a quick review of available property so I can overview investments.
App you’d like to see invented:
X ray vision app (you can guess why)
Richard Deacon, Sales Director at Masthaven Bridging Finance
Favourite app: Never politially correct, but Sickipedia is awesome.
Why: See above
Favourite financial app: Betfair
Why: Becuase you can back or lay at the touch of a digit... genius!
App you like to see invented:
Lotto predictor..... that works!!
Rob Lankey, Head of Commercial Lending at Aldermore Bank
Doesn’t use an iPhone, uses the HTC Desire as ‘it’s better’.
David Still, Senior Commercial Mortgage Manager at Aldermore Bank
Favourite app: Weather pro
Why: It’s accurate!
And lastly, The B&C team:
Mo Mulki, Publisher of Bridging and Commercial
Favourite app: Bubble eXplode – I love Colour Splash too.
Why: With Colour Splash I can change my wife into black and white and vice versa.
Favourite financial app: NatWest – online banking
Why: Very useful
App you’d like to see come out:
I’d like to create an app for Bridging & Commercial
Louise Fernley, Editor
Still the lone iPhone-less member of the B&C team. She was too jealous to take part in this article.  
Shelley DeBere, Editorial Assistant
Favourite app: (So many!!) TouchMouse
Why: Turns iPhone into a mouse for your computer – really easy to use, good if you’re using your laptop/computer to watch TV and films etc.
Favourite financial app: NatWest
Why: Helps you keep an eye on your balance and any transactions.
App you’d like to see invented:
An app for BBC iplayer – so you can watch TV you’ve missed on your iPhone.
Rebecca Hobson, Deputy Editor
Favourite app: Tune In Radio and Hipstamatic
Why: The first lets me listen to and / or record any radio programme I want, brilliant. The second lets me take Polaroid-like cool looking photos.
App you’d like to see invented:
A recipe app, I give it my ingredients and it gives me a great recipe back.
Jo Islam, Website builder
Favourite app: Pocket pond and BMWF1 Lite
Why: They’re fun
Favourite financial app: ATM Finder UK
Why: It’s a very convenient tool to find out what ATM machines are around you with/without charge.

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