Intrepid master broker treks to Mount Everest

Intrepid master broker treks to Mount Everest



Whilst most of us recovered from the excesses of Mortgage Business Expo this weekend, Paul McGonigle of Positive Lending has set off on a charity trek to Mount Everest.

The intrepid industry stalwart flew to Kathmandu to trek to Kala Pattar – 800ft above Everest Base Camp – on Saturday to complete the 19-day trek to raise money for Cancer Research UK and the National Deaf Children’s Society.

Before he left he took a break from his punishing training schedule to chat to Bridging and Commercial about why he was undergoing the huge challenge.

“I booked the trek 15 months ago when I had more time,” he explained. “It was 2008 and the height of recession and I felt like I needed a personal challenge, as business-wise it was just about survival.

“However, now we’re so busy I have to fit in training between 4am and 5am most mornings!”. 

Training consists of regular train rides to Weymouth before walking 30 miles home and running 30 miles per week in preparation for the big event. Paul also completed the 3 Peaks Challenge and the 15 Welsh Peaks during the summer.

Positive Lending, the specialist loan packager, has altruism weaved through its business model - £50 from every deal completed goes to Cancer Research UK, whilst so far this year it has raised £4,000 for the National Deaf Children Society by asking lenders and brokers for donations once loans have gone through.

“These are charities close to our hearts,” Paul said, speaking on his and fellow director, Chris Fairfax’s, charitable giving. “Chris ran the London Marathon for Cancer Research and we also took it in turns to do 24 hours on a cross trainer outside Castlepoint Shopping Centre in Bournemouth, which was meant to be the equivalent of climbing the height of Everest.

“In that one day we raised £550, the local radio station even came down to cover us.”

But this latest feat is set to be far more gruelling... the trek to Everest will take 19 days, walking for 6-10 hours per day. Starting at 9,000ft and walking up to 18,200ft the main risk will be altitude sickness.

“I’m sure altitude sickness will affect me,” Paul admitted, “but I’ve undergone a carefully structured training programme at 12,000ft so I’m going in prepared.

 “After all,” Paul says, “what’s the biggest uphill battle? Climbing 18,000 ft or surviving a recession in the financial services industry?

“I’ll tell you once I’ve set off this Saturday!” He grins.

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