10 Questions with...Jonathan Newman, Brighstone Law LLP

10 Questions with...Jonathan Newman, Brighstone Law LLP


He’s never missed an episode of Coronation Street, is rooting for Wagner, hates Facebook and loves Sky Sport’s Georgie Thompson.
Oh and he’s also the senior partner of Brightstone Law LLP, specialising in property finance, professional negligence and insolvency.
Shelley DeBere speaks to Jonathan Newman
1. How long have you been at Brightstone Law?
I’ve been working at this firm and its predecessor for 23 years. Before that I worked at Brand, Montague and Co. for 3 years. I have always acted for secured lenders, right from my training days.
2. What made you decide to become a solicitor?
(Laughing) My mother decided I was going to become a solicitor.
B&C: Really? Brilliant, so when did you decide you would become a solicitor?
I decided to become a solicitor around the age of 18. I was at Manchester Grammar School, went on to study law at Birmingham University and then went on to law school in London – Chancery Lane, so gradually worked my way south.
3. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
After the grim realisation that I would never play for Manchester United, I really wanted to write fiction and some might say I fulfil that dream on a daily basis! I believe there is a novel in me – it will happen at some point I’m sure, maybe when I have a little more time.
4. What is the best and worst thing about your job?
For me the best thing about my job is achieving success – for the firm and for my clients – and being able to measure that success as clients grow and prosper, believing that I have played a part.
The worst thing about this job is dealing with others who are unable or unwilling to operate to the same principles and service standards. It’s incredibly frustrating when litigation is held up by the system or the conduct of my opponent.
5. Where would you be now if you weren’t at Brightstone Law?
That is a difficult question. In terms of my career I’m really not sure... I prefer the control and interaction which a niche practice offers as opposed to the large corporate structures of the city firms. I enjoy what I do and where I am. If you ask me where I would rather be in general? That’s easier to answer...on a ski slope with the sun shining.
6. Who do you fancy off the telly?
Ohh ... erm... that Georgie – what’s-her-name – Thompson, is it? The girl who presents Sky Sports News.
B&C: Why is that then?
Well she is very knowledgeable about football, isn’t she?
B&C: Is that the only reason?
(Laughing) No, I think she would make a great lawyer!
7. Tell me one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?
I think people will be surprised to know I am an avid Coronation Street Fan. It reminds me of home.
B&C: Do you have any favourite characters or storylines at the moment?
Well I did really like Jack Duckworth, but he got killed off recently so...! But seriously, I have never missed an episode and I have been watching it for 30 years.
(An awed silence ensues for B&C..).
8. Wow, ok then, so what would you put in room 101 it you had the chance?
(Without hesitation) Facebook! I hate it!
B&C: Why?
Because people have become completely obsessed with it.
B&C: We take it you don’t have an account?
No! But my children do and as a result have retired from society and all normal forms of communication.
9. Right, if you could have a super power for one day what would it be?
I would love to become invisible. It would be really fun wouldn’t it? And not to be contactable by fax, email, post and mobile phone for a day would be quite a nice place to be!
10. Are you supporting an X Factor contestant and if so who?
No, I don’t watch it that closely unless forced to do by the family. My daughter’s obsessed with One Direction, my son thinks Wagner’s success up until Sunday was very amusing, but I’m not actually supporting anyone. I suppose if I had to say someone, I would have chosen Wagner! Given that he’s got no talent at all, it would have been highly amusing to see him win a talent show!

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