Every week, we'll be providing a Top Tip to help you improve your SEO today. These tips have been brought to you by SEO expert, Kelly Ifrah...
Who Am I?
My name is Kelly Ifrah and I have been a Search Engine Optimisation Consultant for more than 4 years. In these tips I will be covering all of the aspects of search engine optimisation so that you can ensure your website is doing all the things it should to give it the best chance of achieving page 1 rankings in the search engines.
Search Engine Opimisation (SEO) Tips – Part 2
The Files You Need ...
Whether your site is up and running or still in the planning stages there are certain files you need. I have provided a list below together with an explanation of what they are and why you need them. If you do not have them you should get them organised as soon as possible. I can do this for you, just click here, or you can ask your webmaster.
robots.txt - this is a simple text file that allows or disallows all the search engine spiders (the software that the search engines use to read your site and decided where it should show up in their results) access to your sites files and folders. It should provide access to all the files and folders on your website except for any admin folders as these do not need to show up in their index.
sitemap - this sitemap should be in the same format/language as your current website files i.e. .html or .htm or .asp. This file should be linked to from every page of your website, which ensures that your visitors can find the information they need from your website even if certain other links are not prominent, like the contact link.
sitemap.xml - this is a copy of the sitemap mentioned previously, but in a different format/language, which is used only by the search engines. This allows them to see all the pages you have on your website at a glance. It also tells them how often your site is updated so they know when to come back and check for changes and new content.
privacy policy - this file should be in the same format/language as your current website files i.e. .html or .htm or .asp. This file just explains who owns the sites, how they can contact you if they need to, what information you collect from your visitors and how you store it. If you are using a code of any sort to track your visitors, i.e. google analytics, then you need to have this file in place.
Next week I'll cover the pieces of code you should have on your website pages.
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