Faye Wilcox

Valorem Partners uses digital organimetric to gain 'game-changing insight' into new hires

Specialist finance recruitment firm Valorem Partners has announced it will be utilising a revolutionary organisation metric to gain "game-changing insight" into new and existing staff.

The GC Index® aims to provide businesses with additional clarity when making hiring decisions, in order to help eliminate the risk of a “bad hire”.

Valorem Partners believes that having this insight solves many of the recruitment challenges that the specialist finance industry currently faces.

The index is an ‘organimetric’ that is said to provide robust and valuable information to help companies understand the impact they require for success in a role, attract the type of talent they need, and ensure each new hire will make their best and preferred contribution.

It identifies the tangible influence each individual will have on a particular business and can also identify any gaps in existing teams by measuring individual contributions and highlighting areas that are lacking.

What does the the GC Index® do?

  • it gives you robust data to overcome implicit bias and subjectivity to build more diverse teams where business impact is valued above personal characteristics
  • by making it easier to match talent with opportunities where individuals are happy to deliver the impact you require, employee wellbeing and engagement are massively improved
  • helps to eliminate the risk of a bad hire by ensuring the right fit of a new hire’s preferred impact to the business requirements
  • reduces the risk inherent when considering candidates from other sectors, helping us to overcome skill shortages in our industry by making their potential business impact more visible.

“Make no mistake, this is not another psychometric test,” commented Faye Wilcox, director at Valorem Partners (pictured above). 

“…We have an optimum opportunity to attract new people and skills, create diversity, improve health and wellbeing, and raise the profile of women in senior leadership roles as we look to future-proof and strengthen our industry as a collective. 

“Valorem Partners are extremely proud to play our part in this process by utilising the revolutionary GC Index® — working closely with our trusted partners and candidates — to ensure every individual’s impact is recognised, utilised and rewarded.”

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