Inside the Manchester MBE 2011

Inside the Manchester MBE 2011


p>The Mortgage Business Expo Manchester, held in the Old Trafford, kicked off for business last Friday for the first time since 2008. The show was hailed a resounding success after attracting over 600 attendees on the day.

 James Prosser, the Show Director praised the overall success of the Expo and the very impressive turnout.
“We are really pleased that the day proved to be an overall success for everyone involved with a packed seminar theatre and exhibition hall,” said James. “Our primary purpose for running MBE Manchester was to deliver advice, insight and business opportunities for mortgage intermediaries in the North of England and we believe we achieved that.
“We were also delighted to welcome visitors from all regions of the North including many who travelled from Scotland”.
Organisers and attendees alike felt that the combination of the seminar programme and exhibitors provided a prime opportunity for all present to network with colleagues in a totally unique setting.
Paul Brett, Business Development Director at borro, was one of the many exhibitors at the Expo. “The day was extremely positive for borro,” said Paul. “We managed to generate a great deal of interest from intermediaries.”
“We received a large number of signups from the Expo,” Paul said. “There were more people than expected and the quality of intermediary visiting was very high.”
Richard Deacon, Sales & Marketing Director for Masthaven Bridging Finance, also noted that the companies' nortern excursion was worthwhile.
"The northern expo was a first for Masthaven as we have previously never exhibited up there. Part of our expansion plan is to gain more of the market in the north of the country and this was a perfect platform with which to do so," he said.

"The numbers surpassed most people’s expectations and the trade was thick and fast. A very enjoyable and worthwhile day was had by all and an event Masthaven will definitely be attending again."
Events such as the Expo provide a great platform for generating business and as a result, the MBE events have become a ‘must do’ diary date for intermediaries and IFAs.
Broker Keith Forster of PF&D praised the Expo’s fantastic turnout of exhibitors, brokers and IFAs which provides an excellent platform on which industry figures can network.
“There were about the same amount of stands as I’d have expected given previous the previous Expo’s but the numbers of visitors was a huge highlight,” said Keith. “This many visitors suggests a positive outlook. I got to see and speak to plenty of new faces so no doubt I’ll be back next year. “
IFA  David lantarno of Silverfin Financial Services said that although there were less stands than he’d expected following his experience the previous years’ events, he’d found the experience wholly worthwhile and didn’t hesitate when asked if he’d be attending the next even to reply with a definite “yes!”.
Of all the 640 people and 28 stands at the Expo, the feedback was very positive from all attendees and exhibitors, who were very pleased that the event had finally returned to Manchester.
In particular, the AMI seminars were very well received and attended with over 100 delegates at many of the sessions.
Sponsors supporting MBE Manchester included Nationwide for Intermediaries, The Mortgage Works, NatWest Intermediary Solutions, Northern Rock, Platform, Aldermore, Kensington and Woolwich Mortgages from Barclays.
The next Mortgage Business Expo will be held in London on November 16 and 17.

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