The pair talk about how they got into their respective roles and how others can follow a similar career path.
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Daisy Neall, senior broker at London Belgravia Brokers:
Straight out of university, I joined the brokering desk at London Belgravia Brokers in 2016 – I was the first female broker employed at the firm.
However, over the years, London Belgravia has taken steps to ensure a more inclusive, diverse workplace as a business imperative, with women now accounting for nearly 48% of its workforce.
My initial years in the sector provided a solid appreciation of all that goes on in the specialist insurance brokering world, and I'm proud to have placed insurance on some of the most prestigious projects in London and across the UK.
It's heartening to see more female insurance and finance brokers in the industry than ever before, so things are certainly heading in the right direction.
For those looking to make a start in the industry, I'd say go for it! To progress, it's really important to develop a broad set of skills, so take advantage of opportunities that come your way even if they are outside your comfort zone. In addition, lean on your colleagues and mentors to help you challenge yourself. It is something I did, and it was incredibly powerful.
Rosita Mendonca, marketing manager at London Belgravia Group:
For me, it was a rather natural progression. I had been consulting with the London Belgravia Group for nearly five years, but we made it a permanent arrangement last year. True to form, it has been challenging, quick-paced and incredibly rewarding.
While it’s certainly positive to see a number of senior female executive appointments in the industry, women are still not proportionally well represented. However, I’m cautiously optimistic that the sector will ultimately become a more evenly balanced place for women.
My advice to young women starting in the industry is this: Don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas and opinions. Your thoughts are valid, but no one will know if they are in your head. So, ensure you speak up and be less afraid of asking questions.
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