The BTL management platform is operating on an annualised run rate of over 2,000 new companies a year managing property worth more than £500m.
It expects the accumulative value of properties managed on the platform annually to exceed £1bn within the coming months.
GetGround aims to make it easier, faster and more cost-effective for landlords and property investors based anywhere in the world to manage their residential property investments in England and Wales.
“The adoption of company structures for investing in BTL has massively accelerated in recent years,” said Moubin Faizullah Khan, co-founder and CEO of GetGround (pictured above).
“Yet, until we launched GetGround, there was no single platform that supported landlords and investors through everything that company BTL investing involves — from company formation and legal documents to current accounts, tax returns and accounting,” he claimed.
“The speed at which customers are turning to GetGround shows us that our platform solves that problem.”
Since its formal launch in January 2020, more than 3,500 landlords and property investors in 57 countries have registered companies on the platform for the purpose of buying UK properties collectively worth in excess of £300m.
By joining GetGround, customers can set up UK limited companies entirely online within 30 minutes, through which they can purchase BTL properties.
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The platform also provides a current account for rental income and expenses, as well as taking care of the day-to-day management of the companies.
“Savvy property investors understand the overwhelming benefits of investing through companies over personal ownership,” Moubin added.
“Whether it’s tax efficiencies, wide access to mortgage finance options, personal liability protection or inheritance planning, company BTL makes good business sense.
“It’s good for tenants too, reducing their costs and improving standards.”
The company has also today (15th June) confirmed a significant Series A funding round.
Participants in the fundraise include QED Investors Mosaic Ventures, Hambro Perks, and Taavet Hinrikus.
Yusuf Özdalga, who leads QED Investors in Europe, commented: “Adoption of GetGround’s innovative offer is growing fast but, more critically, so too is the market the team is working in.
“No one single business has dominated company BTL, despite how quickly the sector’s expanding, and the services required by customers are still woefully fragmented.
“GetGround is aggregating the value chain in a really exciting way because it makes sense to its customers for whom simplicity and speed are everything.”
Kimberley Benson, regional sales manager at Barretts Developments, stated: “GetGround is consistently the best option for many of our clients and has been a breath of fresh air in a space where innovation has been lean.
“Its clean, easy interface simplifies, every time, what should be a straightforward process, but very often isn’t.”
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