IFA's Long-Term Opportunities In The Gulf

IFA's Long-Term Opportunities In The Gulf



 Lyxor Asset Management’s latest research, conducted by George Street Research, questioned 100 investment intermediaries resulting in a rather healthy and prosperous outlook towards the Gulf region, namely Kuwait and Dubai.

Almost half (45%) of those quizzed predict stock market returns from the Gulf region to be successful over the course of the next five years and both Kuwait and Dubai now appear to possess a burgeoning appeal, full of attractive investment opportunities.
36% of the reports participants confidently believe that stock market returns in Kuwait have an excellent ratio in the near future and a superior 40% shared the opinion of a healthy long-term outlook.
The insightful figures follow the launch of the Lyxor ETF Kuwait, the first of its kind in the region, offering investors access to the Kuwait market through a mere one share traded on the London Stock Exchange, which led to Lyxor ETF global head Daniel Draper declaring: “We are seeing a growing interest from our clients for investment opportunities in the Gulf region.”
Coast Corporate Finance and Investment Services Group vice president Sulaiman T. Al-Abduljader explained: “While performance has been strong, up 600% since 2000, the fundamental and economic indicators reveal strong potential for growth in the near and medium time horizons for investors.
Empirical analysis also shows the diversification benefits the Kuwaiti market provides to a global equity portfolio making the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) an attractive proposition for international and local investors,” he evaluated.
Does the apparent abundance of opportunities in the Middle East’s ‘land of opportunity’ appeal to you? Feel free to comment at the Bridging & Commercial forum.

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