The free PR platform, which launched earlier this year, gives intermediaries the chance to be featured in the local, trade, national, and international media by creating their own publicly visible and fully branded media centre within minutes.
They can also add ‘experts’, create tags for their areas of expertise, and add content that could be of use to the media, including headshots and corporate brochures.
They then receive ‘NewsAlerts’ to breaking or upcoming news stories that they could contribute to and are also able to add news stories of their own.
The Newspage team will promote stories it believes will be of interest to the media for free.
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Three of the latest brokers to enjoy the Newspage service are Scott Taylor-Barr, financial adviser at Carl Summers Financial Services; Graham Taylor, founder and managing director of Hudson Rose; and Toby Fields, director at Langley House Mortgages.
"Newspage [is] easy to navigate and you can have your profile up and running in just a few minutes,” said Scott.
“There is absolutely no way I would have been able to get the media coverage I have in the past few months by myself.
“I've been quoted by the BBC, The Times, and The Telegraph — places I wouldn’t have dreamed of being in before.
“Although there is a free option, the premium subscription is well worth the spend; not only does it get your copy edited and corrected by a pro, it allows you to submit unlimited comments on breaking news stories."
Toby added: “Since we created our Newspage, we've had coverage in countless national media publications — and it hasn't cost us a penny.
“As a financial services company, being quoted in major media outlets is great for credibility and trust.
“My advice to any small business in any sector is, if you haven't got a Newspage already, sign up, because it's an absolute no-brainer."
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