Wheeler leaves Omni

Wheeler leaves Omni


The former Sales Director of Omni Capital, John Wheeler, has left the company, after having come to the end of his six month consultancy contract.

According to the company, Mr Wheeler had always intended to leave when his contract expired. They could not comment as to his future plans.

Colin Sanders, CEO of Omni Capital, said: “John Wheeler has completed his contract with Omni Capital after his consultancy period came to an end this month. John had never intended to stay on past his contract period and has exciting plans of his own. Omni Capital is entering a significant growth phase with a new product rangeand several new appointments which will be announced very soon.”

Mr Wheeler, who has over 30 years of in-depth experience in retail banking and insurance markets, has undoubtedly witnessed significant changes at Omni Capital over the past six months.

The start of his employment contract coincided with that of former Apprentice star Liz Locke, who has brought Omni firmly into the media’s eye.

Just five months later, property firm CPC Group bought former CEO Paul Munford’s 50 per cent share capital in the company and thus became 100 per cent owners. They then appointed Colin Sanders as the new CEO.

Concurrently, Omni increased their LTVs to a near market-leading 80 per cent for unregulated first charge, and 75 per cent LTV for second charge.

Before joining Omni, Mr Wheeler introduced structured finance lines for Cheval and worked closely alongside the bridging lender within all areas of the business.

He also developed a premium finance business for a subsidiary of one of the first UK sub-prime lenders and Brit Insurance.

His achievements at Omni are not yet publicly known, as Ms Locke has dominated the majority of reports on the company for the past few months.

It is expected that Mr Wheeler will remain in the short-term lending arena, although sources are yet to confirm his next role.

By Katie-Jill Rowland  

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