This football club's got legs...

This football club's got legs...


Last week was an interesting one as it appears the sale of football clubs is on the agenda again……….


I had no less than six come across the desk looking at different types of funding, and some actually had legs………..


The problem with lending on sports clubs is that the reputational risks of repossession out-way much of the upside, meaning that the funder really needs to make a margin to even consider the proposition. From my point of view, however, there are also some really interesting lenders in this market who have the funds and really can complete, so let’s see what happens!


With regard to the market in general, once again not much worth noting happened apart from some gossip surrounding Russian money coming into the sector, but I think it’s safe to say that we are all aware of the origin of this and that realistically the regulators and maybe even the law enforcers will get to that first, with those who think they are on easy street finding they are on a one way ticket to Ford prison instead. If it looks too good to be true it probably is……..


Following the recent massive fall in the FTSE I decided that I would review my current investment strategy, and for those fathers reading who have young children they will appreciate that my not inconsiderable investment in Build a Bear (the subsidiary of a much larger chain who torture parents into spending their hard earned on cuddly toys “brought to life in front of your eyes”) has been rather disappointing, so I will be going home tonight and ripping out those tiny hearts that cost me four quid each and sending them back with a refund request.


One thing that has really got to me over the past week is that program Red and Black with the two annoying little hobbits Ant and Dec. Those two sycophantic twits keep praising people for “playing a good game”.


Lads – they are picking between two colours not sitting in the Mastermind chair and frankly if I see you in the street I really will take a claw hammer to you………..enough is enough, get them off the TV now before we all go insane.


Wednesdays winning Lottery numbers are 3 13 23 33 43 and?


Good luck!!

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