Pritchard's Piece: China - the new land of opportunity

Pritchard's Piece: China - the new land of opportunity


I have today returned from my trip to China and following my last blog have become enlightened about their culture and ethics.

The Chinese are a misunderstood race with what appears to be a language that promotes constant aggression and arguments. However, this is not the case at all and it takes little skill to peel away the layers to see the real truth, that they are really a very friendly and honest people who put you at ease very quickly if you are prepared to fit in (or at least try).


China will become a land of great opportunity for all as long as we spend the time working out their priorities which are greatly different to our own. The biggest thing I found was their own experience of the Western world and their acceptance that the internal regime tells the truth about it, I have gone a little way to explaining some of the areas where reality is different but we need to work a little harder to get them onside in others. The one thing that did frighten me is the lack of regard for the environment as they have rules for everything but comply with virtually none and this will be a real bone of contention in the future as the hole in the ozone layer continues to increase at an alarming rate.


On a business front they rely heavily on trust and honour and this is reflected in their approach to the working day which lasts from 7 until midnight with meals in between and if they have a guest copious amounts of alcohol and karaoke. I visited a steelworks and sawmill in the Beijing area where the employees clearly had real respect and love for their employers, who in return for their hard-work and dedication provided a basic wage with accommodation and food for 5000 people. Now this is not everyone’s idea of life but for these people it seemed appreciated theirs and who am I to judge where others should set their sights and goals.


As I said earlier, China is becoming a land of real opportunity and we should look to embrace the fact that these people want to work with us rather than look for the reasons why we don’t want to work with them!


One final note, if you speak to me ask about the Chinese sauna where a man was wearing budgy smugglers and paper pyjamas……its not what you think but I am certainly not going to publish my findings!!!!

Have a good week, and maybe someone can fill me in on what the hell happened when I was away!!

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