10 Questions with Richard King of Bridgebank Capital

10 Questions with Richard King of Bridgebank Capital



Plymouth Argyle fan, who would get rid of Facebook and Eastenders, wishes he could teleport to the top of mountains to snowboard…

Jason McGee-Abe speaks with Richard King, BDM at Bridgebank Capital…

1) How long have you been in the industry and how did you get to where you are now?

I have worked in financial services for the best part of 20 years (which makes me feel old!), the last 10 of which have been spent in specialist lending. I have experienced life as a BDM for lenders and packagers and also spent a couple of years post credit crunch as a broker. It’s life on the road as a BDM which I enjoy most, and when the opportunity came along to join Bridgebank Capital I didn’t hesitate.

2) What is the most significant difference you see between your first and most recent days in bridging?

In the last 10 years the industry has been transformed, but if I had to pick one thing it would be that lenders today have to pay far greater attention to the background and standing of the applicant. We have a responsibility to our investors, and to the applicants themselves to make sure that we lend sensibly. Gone are the days when it was a simple LTV calculation.

3) Which sports team do you support, if any, and why?

I grew up in the South West, and trips to Home Park to see Plymouth Argyle play were among the highlights of my formative years. The glory years when Tommy Tynan led the line are a distant memory and the grim reality now is that Argyle could fold this year. Tragic

4) If you could change one thing about the sector, what would it be?

As a target driven BDM I’d have to say I’d prefer it if there were only a couple of lenders! Joking apart, it would be great if clients, and some brokers for that matter, were more upfront on day 1. I’m a great believer in the ‘warts and all’ approach because once you know the full story you can often work through a solution. It would also help if people didn’t overvalue their property, but I can’t see that changing soon.

5) If you could have one superpower, what would you choose and why?

It would have to be the ability to teleport, Star Trek style. My work for Bridgebank takes me all over the UK, and anything that would cut down the hours behind the wheel would be a bonus

6) What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it?

Against my better judgement, a friend persuaded me to go and see 'Rise of Planet of the Apes', which had its moments but ultimately was a bit of a let down. The special effects were great, but overall it wasn't a patch on the original from the 70's.

7) What would you put in room 101 if you had the chance?

I could go and on with this question! My shortlist included facebook, people who overuse the word 'like', and Eastenders. But after careful consideration it has to be those electronic advertising hoardings you see at sporting events. I don't know about you, but when I spend £40 to watch the football (or £10 at Argyle!) I want to watch the match, not be distracted by adverts.

8) What’s your favourite book? 

It has to be 'Alive' by Piers Paul Reid which tells the story of the young Uruguayan rugby team whose plane crashed in the Andes, and their desperate quest to survive. It is utterly gripping and the story which unfolds is truly astonishing. The film doesn't even come close!

9) What do you expect to happen in the bridging finance industry over the next 12 months?

More of the same really. Competition between bridging lenders will remain intense but demand for the product will remain strong as the mainstream banking sector is unlikely to rediscover its lending appetite any time soon. Relationships, as always, will be key and brokers will gravitate to lenders who have demonstrated over time that they have the ability to deliver.

10) If you could do anything you wanted this Sunday, what would it be?

If you’re going to grant me my superpower, I’d like to teleport to the top of a mountain and spend the day snowboarding, followed by a few beers and an enormous feed, and a teleport back to catch Match of the Day 2. Now that would be good!


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