Top Ten Tips to Fast Track Completion: Tip 8

Top Ten Tips to Fast Track Completion: Tip 8


Tip 8: The Borrower’s Solicitor is Key

Every week Alan Cleary, Managing Director of Precise Mortgages gives us the secrets to a quick deal...


Precise Mortgages is committed to turning around deals as fast as possible and we have made some significant changes in our processes to make sure that this is the case.  But in many cases our effort to release the funds quickly is impeded by the borrower’s own solicitor who in a lot of cases is well behind the curve.  This leads to the frustration of all parties concerned and makes an otherwise excellent transaction painful.  In order to increase the speed of completion brokers could make sure that they are chasing the customer’s solicitors on a regular basis or if appropriate recommend a solicitor who is well versed on Bridging and Short Term Lending.  This may seem like a small point but the choice of the borrower’s solicitor can be as crucial as the choice of the lender.


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