10 Questions with Jeanette Gwatkin of Bridging Finance

10 Questions with Jeanette Gwatkin of Bridging Finance



She wanted to be a singer, believes underwriting is more important than ever and is a big fan of Liverpool FC...



Jason McGee-Abe spoke to Jeanette Gwatkin, Business Development Manager at Bridging Finance Solutions...








1) How long have you been in the industry and how did you get to where you are now? 



 I’ve been involved in property for far too many years to divulge! I have specialised in bridging for the last four years. A commitment to good customer service has been the secret to my own personal success. 




2) What did you want to be when you were younger?




A singer – I’ve trodden the boards at many a talent show as a young teenager but regretfully I was never ‘discovered’.




3) What is the most significant difference you have seen in terms of bridging over the years up to now? 



Underwriting is more crucial than ever. At Bridging Finance Solutions, we believe that each case needs to be looked at individually and because of that we offer a highly personal service that we’re very proud of.




4) Which sports team do you support, if any, and why? 



Liverpool Football Club – I was inspired at a very early age by the camaraderie.




5) If you could change one thing about the sector, what would it be? 



The perception of lawyers, brokers and the general public alike that bridging has to be ‘lending of last resort’. Bridging is now a credible way of financing those ‘too good to miss’ investment opportunities.




6) If you could have one superpower, what would you choose and why? 



Hindsight – the world would be a better place if we had it.




7) What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it? 



I watched ‘Bridesmaids’ with my daughter – we both thought it was rubbish – far too girly.




8) What would you put in room 101 if you had the chance? 



People who get drunk at airports before early morning flights.




9) What do you expect to happen in the bridging finance industry over the next 12 months?




Over a period of time the industry will become more regulated, which won’t be a bad thing. The sector will mature and this will result in companies finding their own niche markets as ‘one size doesn’t fit all’. 



10) If you could do anything you wanted this Sunday, what would it be?




Play golf at Gleneagles Golf Course with my husband and friends.



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