Pritchard's Piece: Expo round-up

Pritchard's Piece: Expo round-up


p>So another Mortgage Expo or should we call it the Bridging and Commercial Expo! Whatever it was there were some interesting views and a number of interesting characters, which made the whole thing a pleasant change from the norm... only problem was the VM gets full up and you have a list of emails to deal with as long as Rob Jupps arm. The fact is, even though it is getting smaller there was the odd opportunity to meet new people and do some networking. It was made all the more pleasant by the fact you can also spend some time with old friends.

I was very interested to hear the long term strategies from the lenders if not a bit surprised by their short to long term views on the property market… which is sinking faster than the Titanic! Mr Prosser did a good job with his team organising the event despite my best attempts to sabotage it by taking most of the people to the Hand and Flower where the temporary offices were located. As usual the same old faces crept in one after the other, running around like drugged up meerkats looking for their contacts. The good news is I got the impression some business was done and that although less attendees appeared, the ones who did go found it useful… I will not be sending photo's out for fear of reprisals!

Oh what a night… After the delights of the Expo, there was the battle of the parties where it was a race to see who arrived. I myself attended the one at a place called Bouji with the intention of moving on, however, things did to work out well as the tickets very kindly supplied by Robin Hall were taken from my jacket under very mysterious circumstances (sorry Rob, I do have half a clue who stole them and I think it was to stop me going... the culprits comeuppance has already been planned and once we have located a suitable cutting tool we will get the issue squared off. In the meantime the person responsible should beware of a knock on the front door!). I will be honest the venue was a little cramped and I struggled to feel comfortable but everyone appeared to be having a great time, so what the hell!

There were a few notable absentees, John Malone, Michael Bolton and the Brazilianettes to name a few, but the party went well and doorman Mo was brilliant at the job. Maybe you do have another career if the industry goes pear shaped…

From a business front I was interested to see that the guys at Omni had entertained a few deals where the client has had some previous issues. It is encouraging to see that they are asset funding rather than penalising people with a poor credit history. If you have something with a good profile in central London, perhaps give them a chance and they may be able to help - they are at 
least trying hard.


Have a good week



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