Bridging Advisor has landed - the intermediary's guide to bridging finance

Bridging Advisor has landed - the intermediary's guide to bridging finance



Today, the publishers behind Bridging & Commercial are proud to announce the launch of a brand new sister site - Bridging Advisor.

The site will be the sole non-news educational site of its kind, where visitors can access a range of informative material relating to the bridging industry and aimed at enriching the entire intermediary community. Bridging Advisor is set to take the lead role in educating bridging professionals and pioneers the transparency of information with that which is included on the site.

With better knowledge comes better professional practice, which we believe is vital in order to facilitate the flourishing of the bridging industry. Bridging Advisor will enable intermediaries to obtain fast, detailed, reliable advice which will support them through all stages of the bridging process.

Some of Bridging Advisor’s main features include; an extensive number of guides to obtaining all types of short term finance, top tips for loans and for establishing good working relationships with lenders and packagers, an easy access lender guide showing the specialities of the main bridging lenders to make the process of sourcing appropriate lenders much more efficient and a jargon- busting glossary to combat the complex industry vocabulary. All this – for free!

If you’d like to see any other specific part of bridging industry explained, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to investigate this for you.

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