Precise Mortgages Launches Fast Track

Precise Mortgages Launches Fast Track


Precise Mortgages has launched a Fast Track process for its unregulated bridging and light refurbishment product range.

For cases with a gross LTV of 50 per cent or less the lender will normally only require a completed application form from the broker subject to its own checks, and a satisfactory valuation. Earlier in the month the lender also increased its procuration fees for brokers by 25 per cent.

Alan Cleary, managing director of Precise Mortgages, said: “We are well known for constantly aiming to improve service and this move means that for low risk cases there is less paperwork and improved turnaround times.”


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    they are not exactly offering anything different most lender fast-track at this sort of ltv and its the industry norm to pay commission of 1% to brokers

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