KSEYE launches new low-rate Lite bridging range

KSEYE has launched a new lite product range covering its residential, commercial and mixed-use bridging offering.

The new range is available for London and home counties properties.

Resi-lite bridging loans starting from a headline rate of 0.74%, while commercial-lite bridging loans start at 1.05%, and mixed use-lite bridging loans start at 0.95%.

The new offering is designed to provide brokers with a more efficient solution for bridging cases.

Nikes Khagram, director and co-founder of KSEYE commented: “The property market is starting to move quickly following the recent BoE base rate reduction, so the time is right now to launch a product that we’re very excited about.

“With this new range, will provide brokers with a truly competitive and compelling product offering for their clients.”

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