10 Questions with Georgina Lanario of Tiuta

10 Questions with Georgina Lanario of Tiuta


A big Spurs fan who always wanted to act or dance would get rid of noisy eaters and like to foresee the future…

Jason McGee-Abe spoke to Georgina Lanario, the new Business Development Manager at Tiuta plc...

B&C: How long have you been in the industry and how did you get to where you are now?

GL: I have been in this industry for five years now all of them with Tiuta. I joined the company after studying the International Baccalaureate, which is meant to fully prepare you for university but made me want to get a job instead. I have been working in the Case Management Department, which is all about making sure the case can progress but recently moved across to Business Development.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

I've always wanted to act or dance. I used to be involved in television, commercials and film work but it's a tough and risky industry. More a case of being in the right place at the right time.

What is the most significant difference you have seen in terms of bridging over the years up to now?

Given the dearth of mainstream finance available, we have certainly seen an increase in demand for bridging loans. Because of this situation the industry has obviously seen a significant increase in the number of lenders competing in the sector. Just when you think the number of lenders has reached saturation point, another new entrant pops up. However, I do believe that many are simply using the bridging sector as a stepping stone to other product/lending areas. Over the course of this year I expect the number of true bridging lenders to stabilise.

Which sports team do you support, if any, and why?

I'm a big Spurs fan. My whole family are Tottenham supporters so I've been to their games from a young age. I am also fond of Saracens rugby team.

If you could change one thing about the sector, what would it be?

That more introducers and brokers felt confident with bridging loans. We are seeing an increase in the number of new introducers we deal with, however we certainly believe that the products are an increasingly important option for more clients. Of course, we are here to help those who may not be as confident with bridging so it’s just a question of getting in touch.

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose and why?

Do I have to choose just one? Several spring to mind. I guess the ability to see what’s going to happen in the future would be useful.

What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it?

Black Swan with Natalie Portman. It portrayed the dark side of show business. I was transfixed throughout the whole film.

What would you put in room 101 if you had the chance?

Noisy eaters or chompers as I call them.

What do you expect to happen in the bridging finance industry in 2012?

I would suggest that we are not going to see too much change from 2011. In terms of promotion and marketing I think the sector came of age over the last 12 months. Certainly, the success of the bridging loan sector means we are all under a far greater degree of scrutiny than ever before which is why quality advice and compliance is so important.

If you could do anything you wanted this Sunday, what would it be?

I would wake up at around 10am (possibly with a slight fuzzy head from Saturday night), go for a long run along the canal, get back, put on some comfy clothing and cook a large roast dinner whilst watching the football or a good film.



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