Precise Mortgages Launches Second Charge Bridging Loans

Precise Mortgages Launches Second Charge Bridging Loans



Precise Mortgages has added second charge lending products to its bridging range in order to further improve its short term lending proposition. The new products complement the core bridging and refurbishment range, including the recently launched FSA regulated loans, already on offer through the intermediary only lender. 

Alan Cleary, Managing Director of Precise Mortgages, said: “The expansion of the bridging product range is designed to increase lending volumes and to help brokers place more deals.  The bridging market is growing and brokers need more product choice.”       

The Precise Mortgages bridging product range is now one of the most comprehensive in the market and includes standard bridging, refurbishment, FSA regulated, Buy-to-Let, and now non-CCA regulated second charge products.

Full product information can be found at

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