Are lender retention strategies really working?

Are lender retention strategies really working?


A recent survey conducted by Pink Home Loans has shown that almost seven out of ten intermediaries think that lenders are being more proactive when it comes to their retention strategies in the current market conditions. 


The online survey, questioning 100 intermediaries, revealed that 32 per cent think that there have been no changes to the way lenders try to retain their customers during this challenging time. 

Neil Hoare, Pink’s Associate Director of Marketing and IT comments; “It is understandable to think that lenders are doing whatever they can to retain their profitable customers in this current climate, however, in reality they are probably not being as proactive to retain them as we might think.  Mortgage rates and application fees are still at a higher rate but are starting to fall and therefore many homeowners are more likely to hold fire on their current lenders’ standard variable rate rather than going to the ‘trouble’ of finding another lender that may offer a marginally cheaper pay rate.”

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