Top Ten Tips to Best Practice: Tip 6

Top Ten Tips to Best Practice: Tip 6



Every week, Adam Tyler, Chief Executive of the 

National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers

 (NACFB) gives us a handy hint for brokers’ best practice…


It is not uncommon for a commercial finance broker to place a case successfully with a lender that has already turned down the same applicant. In some cases this has been with the borrowers own commercial bank.

Tip 6: Presenting the case

So, how does this happen? 

It is simply the about presentation of a case. Good commercial finance brokers know what an underwriter wants to see – the full details of the deal. The gathering of accounts, forecasts, ID and credit checks, to name but a few are all expected, but it is the accompanying report that pulls it all together. At one of our recent events, a representative from a High Street bank was explaining exactly what they wanted and referred to something that may be currently out of fashion, CAMPARI.

Whether this mnemonic is one that is currently in favour or not, the information contained in the report still needs to follow this logic. The lender needs to understand the character of the borrower – do they have the ability to run the business and how they propose to do it?

If the need for the borrowing is explained, the amount required is clear, and the means to repay the loan is established, then it will help the decision-maker see the wood from the trees.

Finally, if all other elements are in place around the proposed loan, then an underwriter is always going to favour a clear application and look out for that particular broker next time.

To view all the tips so far 

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