Rob's Blog: Bank holidays are bad for your health!

Rob's Blog: Bank holidays are bad for your health!


It is perhaps fitting that the UK’s first ever bank holiday was organised by a banker! In 1871 liberal politician and banker, Sir John Lubbock, introduced the Bank Holidays Act. A century later, The Banking and Financial Dealings Act has led to the various ‘bank’ holidays we get now. The aim was to give the common man and woman (I think the latter followed in the 1950’s) some additional time away from the hardships of work. Therefore why is it, like many other thousands of other Britain’s, I am at my office desk way in to the wee hours? Quite simply, I am trying to ‘fit’ five days of work into four! Poxy bank holidays – poxy liberals!

Well done to the team at Dragonfly Finance for winning another award last week, this time Business MoneyFacts Award for the UK’s Best Short Term Lender. Rumour has it that Jonathan Samuels’ team is having to move out of their plush Old Bailey offices because their trophy cabinet is getting too big. Well done also to United Trust Bank for winning Best Service Provider for a Short Term Lender, again richly deserved.

I attended my first Association of Bridging Professionals (aobp) Executive meeting on Monday and I was impressed by how proactive the group was. As an organisation, they have almost 500 associates, which I think is hugely impressive. It’s great to be surrounded by some of the leading distributors who all seem to be happy to share ideas and to have the sizeable industry talents of Jonathan Newman and Ray Cohen to hand. Our industry continues to go through many changes and my view is that one is better to be part of something that genuinely wants to improve things. If you aren’t already a part of the aobp, I would strongly recommend that you make the very modest investment and join up.

No blog next week as I’m off to see Micky and Minnie in Paris with les enfants!

Be lucky and enjoy your bank holiday weekend (bar humbug!)


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