Dragon launches £500m property venture

Dragon launches £500m property venture


A high profile judge on the BBC’s Dragon’s Den has revealed his intentions to kick start the property industry by offering property investors a cash injection.


The household name and ‘Dragon’ on the popular reality programme, James Caan, has revealed that by using his lucrative company, Hamilton Bradshaw, to provide capital backing for the initiative he will be able to cash in on banks’ reluctance to lend. The cash injection will help 12 property start-ups, all with unique USPs.

The title further reported that, in exchange for James Caan’s investment, investors will be offered the benefit of his own knowledge and expertise.

Ultimately, the Dragon aims to help create 12 property companies with a plethora of niche expertise.


The venture has a projected equity value of around £500 million.

The 12 property companies will all specialise in their own niche. Eventually, however, Caan aims for them to share his offices in Mayfair, London, with him.



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