The downturn in the general residency market over the last few months has been steeper than a theme park ride, only not as fun. This is why the quality and quantity of investors who attended last weekend’s Property Investor Show came as a surprise.
50% of the 10,000 visitors claimed to have £50,000 in liquid cash and some exhibitors at the show reported up to 350 leads from a more serious calibre of investor.
Seasoned investors flocked to take advantage of good property deals both here and overseas, fully-booking up the 100 plus seminars and sessions. The high level of interest seems a good indication that consumer confidence is on its way back up.
Perhaps these unstable times are perfect for picking out only the high earning, cash rich and committed to buying investors who see now as a great opportunity to snap up bargains rather than a reason to tear their hair out and stash their savings.
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