Network reveals 45% predicted rise in business

Network reveals 45% predicted rise in business


Optimism is currently the feeling amongst brokers according to the inaugural Adviser Sentiment Survey, conducted by mortgage network First Complete, which confirmed that 45 per cent of advisers are expecting levels of business to rise in the next quarter.

The figure is particularly positive as July through to September are usually some of the quieter months of the year; 35 per cent expect levels of business to stay the same over the summer months. 

Such positive sentiments have converted into business as Alan Cleary, Managing Director of Precise Mortgages, has noted.  He said: “July was our best month so far for applications but August is running at nearly double that level. At just ten working days in we were at £9 million. Despite the Olympics and summer holidays there has been no negative impact on our business levels.”

The survey also revealed brokers’ attitudes to the current market compared to three months ago. 25 per cent of First Complete advisers feel more positive about the market, whilst 52 per cent felt the same and only 23 per cent were less positive.

Clients appeared to echo the sentiments of advisers, with the result confirming that two thirds feel the same about the market than they did three months ago.

Yet only 11 per cent of clients expressed more positivity, compared to nearly a quarter that was more pessimistic about the current market. 

Looking ahead, a quarter of respondents said that the biggest area of growth their business is likely to experience in the next quarter is in buy-to-let whilst 15 per cent said purchases. 

The remainder identified protection, general insurance and remortgages as growth areas. 


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