Bridging finance can prove a “wise investment”

Bridging finance can prove a “wise investment”


To state the blindingly obvious, the economic downturn has affected everyone. Brokers are struggling, retailers are closing, companies are shaving off staff at an alarming rate and even Manchester United has just lost its main sponsor. 

However, some people are facing a very different set of problems altogether. For investors, the question right now is: where do I put my money?


Confidence in the banking sector has been severely damaged; the base rate has been slashed so low that the interest on savings deposits barely amounts to more than small change; and the stock market is looking riskier than ever, with no one knowing when prices are going to bottom out, or what company will collapse next.


For investors keen to put their money down somewhere, but simply unsure of where, investing in bridging finance could prove to be an attractive option.


The advantage of putting money behind short term lending is that investors get their returns back incredibly quickly, as the loans, plus interest, are paid back in less than nine months.


It is also seen as a relatively safe market. Lending large sums of money over short periods of time requires a certain expertise; therefore bridging lenders are renowned for their caution and good judgement.


As Adrian Bloomfield, the chief executive of the Association of Short Term Lenders explains: “Investment opportunities are few and far between at present. If you’re sitting on a very large amount of money that you want to invest, where would you invest it today? Making funds available for short term lenders could turn out to be a wise investment. Short term lenders are very focused on profit. After all, there’s no point in lending anyone money unless you can make a margin on the fund.”  

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