The secured loan lending operation from Link Lending, Link Loans, has announced that it is using Phoebus Software Limited’s ‘Secured Loans’ for the origination of its secured loan portfolio.
Link Lending has added Phoebus’ ‘Secured Loans’ module to their existing Phoebus system, which supports their bridging portfolio.
One of the main focuses of Link’s business model is the provision of web facilities for brokers. The broker offering includes credit agreement production and case tracking.
John Maclean, managing director of Link Lending, said, “We pride ourselves on offering excellent service to our brokers and our existing relationship with Phoebus enabled us to fast track their ‘Secured Loans’ module for our new operation which fully integrates with our existing systems. Phoebus allows our brokers to use a single system with integrated reporting which has allowed straightforward cross training for our existing bridging users. Phoebus Software’s existing knowledge of this sector and product has helped us bring our new products to market quickly with our traditional broker focused service.”
Phoebus Software’s Executive Chairman, Robert Lintonbon, said, “We are thrilled to have enabled Link Lending to expand their business and assist them in the development of their secured loan portfolio. Our proven, attractively priced system is enabling lenders of all sizes to take advantage of new business opportunities in this current economic climate. We are proud to be associated with the expansion of Link Lending’s business and value our partnership with them.”
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