Bridging & Commercial announces 2009 awards

Bridging & Commercial announces 2009 awards


p>As 2009 draws to a close it is time for reflection, looking back over the past year and seeing how far we’ve come – or how much further we’ve still got left to go! – and giving thanks to the people in the industry who have made a difference through the annual Bridging & Commercial awards. 

The short term finance market has undoubtedly undergone a huge change over the last twelve months and so this is a chance for brokers to cast their vote and make their voices heard about the lenders and professionals in the bridging and commercial sectors who are still committed to helping their intermediaries do business.
This year’s categories include:
·         Bridging Lender of the Year
·         Service Excellence Award
·         Newcomer of the Year
·         Best Online Bridger
·         Most Innovative Lender
·         Best LTV
·         Best Bridging Product
·         Best Specialist Packager
·         Lifetime Achievement Award
Brokers can vote online for the main award of Bridging Lender of the Year, and we’ll be walking around this year’s Mortgage Business Expo armed with clipboards to gather votes for the remaining seven categories.
However, if you are unable to attend this year’s Expo and want to nominate a lender or company for an award, you can send your nomination to [email protected] and it will be counted towards the final vote.
The results will be announced at the beginning of December, with your winners being presented with a nice award to cheer them up after a long, challenging year!
To register your vote for Bridging Lender of the Year, click here

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