Best Bridging Newcomer — Broker
Best Bridging Newcomer — Lender
Best Commercial Broker
Specialist Product of the Year
Best Development Lender
Mezzanine Lender of the Year  
Underwriter of the Year
Best Bridging Broker
Best Valuation Partner
Best Development Broker
Commercial Lender of the Year
Regulated Bridging Lender of the Year
Service Excellence — Lenders  
Service Excellence — Brokers
Best Specialist Distributor
Best Solicitor
Regulated Bridging Broker of the Year
Best Specialist Bank
Specialist BTL Lender of the Year
2022 ESG Award
Lender Relationship Manager of the Year
Bridging Lender of the Year

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Interested in taking a table? Contact Caron Schreuder on 0203 818 0162 or [email protected] .