Masthaven Life

In the words Sales & Marketing Director, Richard Deacon, Masthaven Life: "is an e-zine for the broker and intermediary communities to show what is going on within Masthaven.

"The stories, photos and diary pieces are all written by Masthaven staff and written from the heart.

"We try and make it informative about what is going on within our financial world so that the broker can feel they are better connected to us and know what makes us tick.

"The “coffee table” feel to the publication is also important to us as we feel that we need to make it readable and user friendly.


"The light hearted aspect to some of the writing and the ever popular caption competition is something that we hope keeps the reader coming back for more each month."



January 2015  April 2015   
 May 2014 Issue  July 2014 October 2014 
 December 2013 Issue June 2013 Issue April 2013 Issue
March 2013 Issue  February 2013 Issue January 2013 Issue
Bridging Life November 2012 Bridging Life October 2012 Bridging Life September 2012
 November 2012 Issue  October 2012 Issue September 2012 Issue
Bridging Life July 2012 Bridging Life June 2012 Bridging Life May 2012
July 2012 Issue June 2012 Issue May 2012 Issue
Bridging Life April 2012 Bridging Life March 2012  Bridging Life February 2012  
 April 2012 Issue  March 2012 Issue February 2012 Issue
Bridging Life December 2011  Bridging Life November 2011   Bridging Life October 2011 
December 2011 Issue November 2011 Issue October 2011 Issue
Bridging Life September 2011  Bridging Life August 2011  Bridging Life July 2011 
 September 2011 Issue August 2011 Issue July 2011 Issue