Search Results for "moubin faizullah khan"
Three in four landlords have opted for limited company investing, reveals GetGround study
Over 2 years ago Three quarters (75%) of landlords operating in the UK have now used a limited company to invest in...High demand for rentals could lead to rise in disreputable landlords threatening BTL market
Over 2 years ago The soaring demand for rental homes and the lack of available properties could lead to an increase...BoE interest rate jumps to 3% — industry reacts
Over 2 years ago The Bank of England's (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has voted by a 7-2 majority to increase...Major U-turn as Hunt scraps most of Kwarteng's mini-Budget tax cuts — industry reacts
Over 2 years ago Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt has today (17th October) announced a reversal of almost all...GetGround, Voltaire Financial and Fleet expand teams
Over 3 years ago GetGround, Voltaire Financial and Fleet Mortgages have welcomed new members to their teams....GetGround strengthens senior leadership team
Over 3 years ago GetGround has appointed Molly Levy and Mike Slovich as VPs of product and data, respectively....Molo launches exclusive BTL rates for GetGround customers
Over 3 years ago From today (12th August), Molo is offering an exclusive five-year fixed-rate BTL product to...GetGround and Molo team up for new BTL service
Over 3 years ago GetGround and Molo have announced a new partnership that executes all the essential administration...GetGround targets £1bn milestone after year of rapid customer adoption
Over 3 years ago GetGround has recorded a six-fold year-on-year surge in the number of companies formed on its...
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