Commercial property

Commercial property an 'unsatisfied' market, claims bridging lender

Lending in the commercial property market is unfulfilled due to restrictive offerings, a bridging lender has claimed.

Brian Rubins, managing director of Alternative Bridging Corporation, stated that some bridging lenders were reluctant to make loans in excess of six to 12 months or do not have the suitable funding structure to do so.

Brian warned that there was a limited number of brokers who truly understood the dynamics of commercial property finance.

“Traditional markets are not relaxing their criteria and our experience is that underwriters are being more demanding and seek to have all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed before parting with the cash,” Brian explained.

“…While they may provide a quick fix, they do not satisfy the borrowers need to have sufficient time to improve the property before seeking long-term refinance.

“Surrendering to a shorter period than needed is short-sighted and likely to incur the borrower an extra cost by needing to refinance the first bridge before being able to negotiate a long-term loan.”

Brian suggested this problem was not just restricted to traditional lenders, with some bridging specialists also to blame.

Brian insisted that clarity was key to avoiding restrictive behaviour.

“This can be avoided if the lender and borrower have a clear view of the strategy and are able to agree a loan for 18-24 months at [the] outset.”

Alternative recently lent against a large, vacant retail store being fitted out for a new tenant and a pre-let retail park for which planning permission was being finalised before securing construction finance.

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